Friday, October 31, 2008

celebrating one year... !

before october ends, i just wanted to take a moment to note that my one year gluten-free blogging anniversary just passed...

it has been an incredible year, with many ups and downs, adjustments, and more importantly-- lots of good food :) i started this blog pretty suddenly - most likely as a way to cope with my health and the changes i was making (for the better), and it has become a great way for me to not only keep track of my own recipes, but to be connected to others in a way i never thought would be possible.

so a BIG thank you to the blogging community for being an incredible support in what was has definitely been the biggest adjustment of my life. i know i have gained incredible amounts of information from other people that i would not have been able to, had it not been for these wonderful individuals. each person takes time out of their own busy lives to share their own experiences from daily life, recipes, and more. of course most of the blogs i follow are listed under my links and i recommend them all, especially if facing issues with food or looking for a healthier way of living. i know many people read this blog from all around the world (thank you Google Analytics) so please continue to leave your comments, questions, etc... and to all of my non-gf friends, thank you as well for all of your support! it really means the world to me.

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  1. Congratulations on your Blogoversary! Your food photos look great and I look forward to seeing what you cook up for the Go Ahead, Honey, It's Gluten-Free event.

  2. I go away for a few weeks and I miss two excellent recipes and a blogoversary! Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see what the next year brings...

  3. rachel- thank you! i can't wait until the next event :)

    elizabeth- thank you so much-- missed you around here and hope you had a great trip!
